Monday, May 17, 2010

New Series Started

I recently started a new series of work that I'm excited to dive into. I wouldn't say my NOLA series is finished, just on hiatus for now.

Been experimenting with a new color pallette, trying a few new techniques. So far I'm pleased with the progress. I've got 3 new paintings started, hopefully will have some pictures up soon.

The new series of work (yet to be named) will probably have 2 very different palettes. One palette will be very warm with a lot of reds/browns/oranges while the other will be very cold with a lot of blues and whites. Can't wait to get some finished pieces up on here!

The new body is going to revolve around this Russian folk tale that I've been near obsessing over for the past few months. It's a tale about a parapelegic boy who longs to walk again and dapples in astral projection. Its nuts! There's also a sub-plot with Rasputin and how his destiny is intertwined with the boy.

Not the typical subject matter I tackle, but I think it'll be a refreshing break for me. I'm going to try and post some in progress pics soon!

I'm working on some new upcoming shows. Stay posted for details!

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